Kennywood is a Pittsburgh tradition! Since the 1900s, it’s been providing families and companies with the environment to make special memories.

The Sunny Days team knew this would be the perfect place to celebrate our employee’s and clients and have been gathering every July for the last several years.

All employee’s, clients, staff, and their families are invited to join us as we enjoy the food, rides, and games of Kennywood. Everyone in attendance gets a bright t-shirt so everyone in the park knows they belong with the Sunny Days crew! We begin underneath the pavilions where our CEO shares a few stories about the company, we eat some delicious carnival style food, and then everyone heads out to explore the park!

Some clients are wheelchair bound, so our caregivers likely push them around as they enjoy watching their family have a great time. Our CEO and founders have been known to be dare devils, riding the parks most gutsy rides. However, you can find most of our staff and clients enjoying the water rides because it’s typically a very hot day at the park!

When we asked our clients what their favorite part about Sunny Days Kennywood Day is, most of them responded with a resounding “THE POTATO PATCH” aka the best bacon cheese fries in the world! While we take pride in keeping our clients in the comfort of their own homes for as long as possible, we also realize how important it is to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air with good food and good people. That’s why Sunny Days Kennywood day is such a beloved tradition! We encourage all staff, caregivers, and clients to join us, we’ll be the ones in the bright yellow or blue shirts laughing and having a great time with our family and coworkers!