
Featured Caregiver for December 2024

Meet our Featured Caregiver for the month of December… Daunte!

Daunte is originally from Youngstown and still resides in the area with his family. He loves spending time with his girlfriend, his four sisters, two brothers, and one cat. Outside of work and spending time with family, he also enjoys playing PS5. His favorite food is McDonalds, favorite movie is Bad Boys, and his favorite type of music is Country. A fun fact about Daunte is that he considered himself a pretty fun person.

His manager recommended him for this role because “…Daunte goes above and beyond to fill in and help where he is needed.” His favorite part of being a caregiver is “…feeling like I make a difference, even if it’s just for one day.” His advice to other caregivers is “…wake up every morning and thank God…keep a positive outlook on life and when it gets hard, breathe. And stay ready so you don’t have to get ready!”

We’re so thankful for Daunte and the positive impact he’s had on our team and his clients. We are blessed to have him as a part of our staff, keep up the great work!