In-home care can make a huge difference for seniors who need assistance to maintain an independent life. For those who are isolated, have limited mobility or are experiencing the onset of dementia, home care for seniors can curtail the need for assisted living, allowing your loved ones to stay comfortably at home. In-home care also greatly reduces the burden on family members.

Things as simple as having your hair brushed, eating a nutritious meal and sleeping on clean sheets can improve an older person’s mood and buoy their health. Senior care services in Pittsburgh from Sunny Days In-Home Care could be just what an older individual needs to live their best possible life.

An example of someone who might benefit from in-home care

Meet Sarah J.

• 81 years old

• Widowed

• Hip replacement at 73

• Takes medication for osteoporosis and early onset dementia

Sarah lives alone since her husband’s death three years ago. She’s in fair health, save a few aches and pains. However, her osteoporosis is causing a stooped posture, making it difficult for Sarah to load the washing machine and shampoo her hair. Slowly progressing dementia causes her to sometimes forget to take her medication or get to the bathroom on time.

Sarah’s daughter, Cyndi, visits her on the weekends and lately has been getting more concerned. Mom’s hair is greasy and matted most of the time. When Cyndi suggests she put on a clean sweater, Sarah waves off the comment, telling Cyndi not to fuss. But Cyndi knows it’s because the laundry has been piling up. She throws a load of clothes into the washer and when she gets back to the living room, she sees a funny look on Sarah’s face. Her mom didn’t make it to the bathroom in time.

As Cyndi runs a warm bath for her mom, she opens the medicine cabinet, sees Sarah’s prescription bottles and wonders whether she’s been taking her meds on time. Then Cyndi helps Sarah undress and sees an open sore on her mom’s hip. She’ll have to take her to the doctor this week to get it checked out, which means asking for more time off work. Frustrated and sad, Cyndi bathes her mother while wishing she had help.

Life after implementing home care for seniors

It’s been a few weeks since Cyndi called Sunny Days In-Home Care to discuss their home care for seniors. A sympathetic Sunny Days manager sat down with them to discuss Sarah’s physical needs and Cyndi’s concerns. At first, Sarah protested, insisting she didn’t need help. But when Cyndi explained how tough it is for her to keep up with Sarah’s needs, work full-time and care for her own family, Sarah softened and said she would give in-home care a try.

Now, when Cyndi arrives at her mother’s home on Sunday, Sarah actually greets her at the door. Her clean hair is neatly combed to the side and secured with a clip to keep it out of her eyes. She’s wearing the comfy new sweat suit Cyndi got her for Christmas, which had been sitting in the back of the closet. Cyndi checks the sore on Sarah’s hip, which is healing well.

They go into the kitchen and Sarah offers Cyndi some vegetable casserole. “Mom, when did you make casserole?”

“I didn’t,” Sarah says, her eyes shining. “Jane did. Isn’t it tasty?”

It’s delicious, and Cyndi notices it’s loaded with peas — her mom’s favorite. Mom and daughter eat lunch, and Cyndi mentions Sarah should take her medication. Cyndi goes to the medicine cabinet to find that Sarah’s pill bottles have been replaced with a daily organizer. The pills for Sunday still sit in the compartment, and Cyndi can clearly see her mom took the other medications over the week.

Walking back into the kitchen, Cyndi checks her mom’s ClearCare account on her phone. She’s reminded that Sarah has an appointment at the neurologist the next day. Cyndi tells her that Jane will be there to drive her to and from the appointment.

“Remember, Mom, she comes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays now,” Cyndi says.

“I know, honey, I know,” Sarah says. “Don’t worry about me, Cyndi.”

Cyndi still worries, naturally, but her concerns are eased knowing her mom is receiving compassionate in-home care from Sunny Days.

These are the positive effects of senior care services in Pittsburgh

So many families can benefit greatly from home care for seniors. Whatever your needs, or the needs of your loved ones, Sunny Days In-Home Care can assess your situation and recommend an appropriate and affordable care plan. Contact us today at (724) 260-5186 or send us a message and a member of our team will be in touch with you soon.

Our Vision: CARING

  • Comfort
  • Affection
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Nurture
  • Generosity

Our Mission

“To enable seniors to live with dignity in their chosen place of residence.”